Front counter

Jonathan & Yi Da

The cocktail reception is held at the musical corridor, which is a very big wooden platform over a big man-made pond. I don't know why they call it that way but speakers and LCD screens are all around above us. Those audio visual hardware does not justify the name still HA. I'm sitting with yi da, jonathan, jiawei and 3 other girls. One of them is Nora? she's pretty :D and another must be jia wei's gf but i didn't manage to get the name of the third girl :(.

Daphne & Elaine

Musical Corridor, the cocktail reception venue

Dickson & others from CSS, forgot name :(

Dickson & me

Nora & her fren(i forgot to ask her name, woops :P)

Yi da, Jonathan, Ann, Shereen & Joanne having wine~
Joanne needed another prom ticket for ann, her "ni er" haha so we headed for the front counter. We battle through crowds of our fellow curtin students and some visitors because buka puasa. There was a buffet going on in the lobby too, HUNGRY!

Eileen(white mask), Mel(purple dress), Geraldyn(black dress), Joe(sempat pose!)

Barry, Alan and another 2 should be Gabriel and Malvin eh?
The prom started with a duet, "Dream of Dreams"? I don't know really. Then dinner was served with a dramatic opening with tribes of waiter and waitresses holding our first dish to our tables haha, typical XD.

The Menu

First course

The three beauties on my right :D

Prom King & Prom Queen nominess

Fruits for desert, i only touched the honey and watermelon only XD
Finally~ the after Party!! After i switch to my adidas me, yi da, jonathan and joanne headed for Armonia club which is jus seconds drive from the ballroom. We didn't go in straightaway, joanne still trying to sell of much of the tickets left. I saw Leah, Ray, Cyndy and Gilles at the entrance apparently they are working that night! Cyndy looks super pretty~ and after we finally "marked" ( i kept having ideas of making a small tattoo on my arm :D) ourselves we enter and big crowd plus blasting music greeted us - couldn't remember the song, probably got deaf on the spot XD I saw Farha and she greeted with a scream and a big hug! Haven't see her the whole week ya know? We got a table and ordered Black Label with cokes and dance the night away - i'll let the pictures tell you what happened during the party :D

Me & Mel, she looks sexy tat nite ^^ no kid

The dance floor

Our table, drinks? Black Label with coke
-_- apparently you've got your info all mixed up..
1. i was still doing my hair that time cause kellie was late picking us up so everything else got delayed.
2. i mentioned why you didn't hold your own tickets cause you and yi da kept calling me and panicking me and making me feel bad cause i was late. and it was in a sarcastic tone fyi. didn't mean to make it sound harsh, sowie.
3. zi wei wasn't in the car when we arrived, it was someone else. and i kinda shouted at you cause i was super late and you were taking your sweet time and my makeup wasn't done so yea. heheh sorry again.
4. we didn't go in the afterparty yet cause i was wating for leah and not to mention for someone else to arrive ahaha :P
5. i think it's called Black Label, not Label 5 heheh
but yea, sorry if i was any trouble to you that night. and thanks for the ride and bringing us for supper and all *hugs big bro* =)
1) no comment but you all are ladies in my eyes tat nite ^^
2)Nvm, ma and yi da felt like our excitement losing momentum mah but i didn't know he was msg u lots XD
3)oic, hehe no worries. I sengaja walk slowly :D
4)This i kno XD
5) oh ok, i didn't take picture of it. From my visual memory i rmb "label" and num "5" haha so i made up label 5 :D but i rmb u got take picture of our liquor - didn't post? hehehe
I'm in ur blog???? OMG! LOL~ funny la my face in the pic~~ GOSH!!!!
Anyways, hope u guys did enjoy the night! :)
wer is this?????????? i didnt noe theres another place to go in miri!!!!!
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